Africa is the cradle of humanity. The fastest growing continent by population. She has over one thousand (1000) spoken languages with a massive size of human dimensional diversities.

The African Operating system-Code, is a cultural construct for the management of her diversities and population. It is designed to entrench the philosophy of inclusion. Inclusive growth and development enshrined within the core values of life and the core values of civilization.



The basis of humanity is for harmonious co-existence among living beings. Disagreements are bound to happen among us, but the need for dispute resolutions can not be over emphasised.

To resolve disputes requires peaceful resolutions, which may either be achieved through war or by negotiations. Those who are being conquered through war surrender themselves to the conqueror and capitulate to the order of their establishment’s rules and regulations.

This is what happened to the  Biafran Republic in 1970.

However, if there exists a negotiation agreement without war, the minority or the less privileged surrenders as well to the dictates of the majority. This is the experience of the people of Idoma and other minority tribes in the Benue state of Nigeria, where the tribe of the TIVs is the majority. Since the birth of democracy in Nigeria, only the TIVs win gubernatorial elections in that state.

The core values of life and civilization provide universal codes for the management of the diverse natures of humans and their populations.

Ideologically, icode sectorises the society for economic development as focus, thereby employing the coordinates of occupational and professional lines of thought.

They are factors of productivity and service delivery. Those factors are elements of development. They do not entertain inefficient and ineffective administration of resources. The basic requirement for development is expert practices at the industries. The diversities among experts are called division of labour, which is geared towards harmony at the workplace for increased productivity and optimum services delivery.

By sectorism, inclusive governance is given because at the industries, workers follow the orders from their leadership and synegize to increase the revenue income of the organisation as a common goal. There are absolutely little or no disputes between company departments compared to the measure of disputes between tribes and religious communities. The private sector industries behave differently from the public sector industries in multi diverse countries. The private sector industries struggle to compete among their peers on the basis of economic development, while different ethnic groups wrestle for the resources of their country and thereby tend to develop their separate regions and states, on the basis of religious and tribal affiliations, mainly for political reasons.

The struggle for economic benefits among different regions does not reflect on the lives of the indigents. A typical example is the 13% resource control  benefit derived by the oil rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria, which does not show in the lives of the people there. This is slightly different when a private sector industry experiences a surge in sales. In addition to a well established standard of remuneration for the workers, the company may decide to increase it or add bonuses to them, despite the fact that the company has to establish more branches. The state government at the Niger Delta region of Nigeria can afford to provide financial support in the form of unemployment benefits for the working class citizens, old people welfare, and the challenged indigenes.

However, when such welfare services are provided to the people of Niger Delta region, what then would that mean to the indigenous people of the North or Western parts of Nigeria?

So many will be unable to rationalise why some states are treated differently from others.

Individual citizen are totally separated from their leaders who are unable to respond positively to the demands and supply needs of the people. Citizens are not managed on equal grounds, and neither are the different government dimensions, starting from the local government council to the national level.

The reasons are not unfounded. There is no measure of equality in terms of human numbers across all the tiers of government for the purposes of fair political and economic practices. All of them are different by human numbers, and this is detrimental to the existence of peace and harmony in the country.

Therefore, the need to change countries' management method for their diversities and population must be reconstructed to meet the demands of inclusivity through digital solutions. By transparency and disclosure practices, accountable governance can be derived