
The African Operating System

For the first time since after the slave trade, Africa has succeeded in inventing a fresh governance methodology. 

The activism of Rev. Martin Lurther Jnr, Malcom X, Marcus Garvey against white supremacy, the initiative for a United States of Africa propagated by Kwame Nkuruma, Julius Nyerere and Mamman Gadafi can now be implemented in full.

Africa now has an alternative to Democracy.

The African Operating system for managing her peculiarities in terms of governance challenges.

The book unfolds as a comprehensive guide to fostering transparency, citizen engagement, and sustainable development through innovative governance. The narrative reinforces the notion that democracy struggles with governance challenges in Africa due to diverse populations and unequal representation. It advocates for Sectorism, a political philosophy, and the iCODE system to address these issues. It highlights the drawbacks of democracy in resource distribution based on population, proposing a matrix-based system for inclusive governance and connecting citizens by occupation rather than divisive factors. The narrative emphasizes the need for a blockchain system, ethical values, and codes of conduct to foster trust and shared benefits in governance.

The book introduces the iCODE system, a revolutionary methodology addressing governance challenges in Nigeria and Africa. Rooted in the digital age. iCODE proposes an alternative to democracy, prioritizing ethical values and inclusivity. The author reflects on a biblical quote and introduces AOS, proposing it as a solution to governance challenges. This advocates for restructuring to promote meritocracy and inclusive development. iCODE methodology is also referred to as African operating system (AOS). This biblical quote is inscribed on U.S. rifles and contemplates the dissonance between such verses and instruments of war. The vision of a utopian society in Revelation 21 inspires hope for a better world.

Drawing on extensive research, the author critiques existing governance models, emphasizing the need for restructuring based on shared values. The book emphasized on how LogOn serves as a digital interface connecting citizens for transparent governance. The book navigates diverse topics, from diversity mismanagement to the iCODE matrix system, presenting a holistic approach to inclusive governance. The iCODE structure at the federal government level comprises codes like Cyber, Court, VASS, LOGON, IMO, JOS, iLEAD, PIB, PPPB, H-Force, and BEDE. There were figures, self-generated illustrations, and organograms used to further explain many points in the book. Organogram shows inclusive governance derived from universalism, sectorism, and iCODE.

The author mentioned the iCODE Playing Card Game. This also explains its use as a tool for educational and strategic purposes. The document also delves into the correlation between biblical references and the iCODE concept. The Old Jerusalem structure is depicted as unevenly segmented, with the children of Leah symbolizing a majority standard, akin to the northern part of Nigeria in terms of population dominance. The complexities of tribal affiliations and regional alignments are explored, highlighting the challenges of unity and harmony. In contrast, New Jerusalem envisions a coordinated and balanced framework where each region is connected with equal units, leading to the establishment of three state governments in the North, West, East, and Middle Belt. These states are endowed with unique natural resources, fostering a strategic resource mapping approach for development. The transition from a democracy influenced by numerical factors to sectorism, guided by the iCODE Matrix, is proposed. This matrix, formed by 144 people as the smallest political unit, aims to create equal representation in each government dimension. Finally, the book reflects on the government of President Goodluck Jonathan between 2010-2014, to show example of how icode can be used to structure or restructure any country through sectorism.


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